

Is an animal of the canine family, which constitutes a subspecies of the wolf. It's size, its shape and fur is very diverse depending on the breed. He has a very developed ear and nose, the latter being his main sensory organ. Its average longevity is about 13 to 15 years, although small breeds can reach up to 20 years or more, while giant breeds only live 9 or 10 years. There are approximately 400 breeds - more than any other animal - that vary significantly in size, appearance and temperament, presenting a great variety of colors and types of hair according to race.

White tiger:
The white tigers are examples of tiger with a genetic condition that almost eliminates the pigment of its normally orange coloration, although the black stripes are not affected. This occurs when a tiger inherits two copies of the recessive gene for pale coloration: pink nose, ice-blue eyes, and cream-white skin with black, gray, or light brown stripes.The white tigers do not constitute a separate subspecies and are fertile with the orange tigers.

They are a family of carnivorous mammals. They are large animals, usually omnivores because, despite their fearsome teeth, they eat fruits, roots and insects, as well as meat. However, the polar bear, due to the scarcity of other sources of food, feeds almost exclusively on meat.With their heavy bodies and powerful jaws, bears are among the largest carnivores that live on Earth. A male polar bear weighs on average 500 kg and reaches a size of up to 130 cm at the height of the cross.

Is a species of mammal of the order of the carnivores and although there is a great controversy about it, the latest studies of its DNA include it among the members of the bear family, the spectacled bear being its closest relative, although this belongs to the subfamily of tremarctinos. On the other hand, the red panda belongs to a family of its own and independent. For 2017 it is estimated that the total population exceeds 2000 copies, 2 of which 1864 live in freedom.

These mammals have a long ear of up to one third of the total length of their body, which in adulthood measures 15 to 17 meters and weighs 50 to 80 tonnes.1 They have a narrow and arched maxilla, which gives these animals a convex profile. This form allows the presence of long beards, which measure from 5 to 25 meters in length. Unlike the fish, the whales have their tails arranged in a horizontal plane, which facilitates the ascent to the surface, where they have to go up to breathe, although they can hold up to an hour under water, in addition, they sleep half his brain not to sink

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Herramientas Digitales: Bloque 5

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