

Art is "The set of disciplines or productions of human beings made for aesthetic or expressive purposes to represent, through media such as painting, sculpture, architecture, literature or music, different realities and awaken a series of ideas , emotions or feelings." Depending on the discipline, art uses different languages ​​and means: for painting they are shapes and colors; for sculpture volumes and forms; for architecture, forms and space; for literature, words, for music, sounds, and for dance, fundamentally movement and body expression.

There are different types of art like:

Sacred art:
Sacred art is a term used to catalog all those artistic styles that have as their objective or main theme the veneration of a sacred or divine entity. The main objective of this style of art has always been to recreate the perfection that the divine entities and the landscapes that surrounded those entities possessed. This style of art has been seen in both paintings, sculptures and mosaics. Sacred Art is one of the less known artistic styles nowadays, being a very peculiar artistic modality.

Street art:

Street art is a style of art that refers to all the artistic disciplines that are performed on the street and that are usually illegal. This style of art includes within its definition from Graffiti to street dance through many other artistic disciplines. Although this art has become more famous today, already in the 90s you could see works of Post-Graffiti (a more determined way of representation). The cities that are key points of street art are London, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Sao Paulo and Toronto, among others.

Digital art:

Digital art is an artistic movement that brings together all the artistic works that have been made using a digital object, these objects are usually summarized in a "computer", therefore this type of art is a style that is created through technology.When we talk about technology, we refer to the process or instrument that makes the creation of something possible, observing this definition you can perceive that there is no distinction between a palette of a brush. However, digital art is classified depending on the support that was used to create the work and therefore there are some categories that are: CD - Rom - Art, between others.

Visual arts:

The visual arts are an artistic movement whose objective is expressivity and whose visual evaluation is based on the artist remaking and developing natural or fantastic worlds through different materials and different techniques used. This style of art allows the artist to show his feelings, emotions and in general the opinion he has about the world.The composition of visual art is developed by addressing various issues, such as the relationship between figure and background, its outline and the grouping of elements.
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Herramientas Digitales: Bloque 5

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